Driven by ambitious challenges.
AMK Krakow is a part of the Mostostal Warszawa Group.

Supporting science development

28 July 2021

#drivenbyambitiouschallenges we create an opportunity for students to gain professional experience, also through internships. We focus on continuous development and take part in interesting and demanding projects, which is why we are looking for young talents - people who would like to develop their career with AMK Kraków S.A. in the future.

In the period from July to the end of September, we are pleased to host students of the 3rd and 4th year of AGH, Faculty of Non-Ferrous Metals, at the internship, at our Development Office, the purpose of which is a practical introduction to the future profession. The internship is part of the project entitled: "Integrated Development Program of the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow II".

The trainees will have the opportunity to expand the theoretical knowledge of metallurgical processes learned during their studies with the practical experience of AMK Kraków SA, as well as learn about new processes they have not known so far, e.g. concentrate roasting - a technological line that our company has implemented for KGHM Polska Miedź in Głogów Copper Smelter I. We, in turn, are open to new ideas of our interns and we hope that the exchange of knowledge will help to improve our activities.

In addition to getting to know the work of designers and technologists and making the first simple diagrams and learning about 3D design, students will have the opportunity to visit the construction site of one of our currently implemented projects.



*image taken by Gerd Altmann and downloaded from Pixabay

AMK KRAKÓW S.A. to nowoczesna firma inżynierska z powodzeniem realizująca najtrudniejsze inwestycje od ponad 30 lat. Projektuje, dostarcza technologie i produkty technologiczne zgodne z dyrektywą IPPC, dostosowane do indywidualnych potrzeb klienta, przy jednoczesnym optymalizowaniu parametrów technicznych w celu zminimalizowania kosztów eksploatacji. Wszystkie usługi i produkty oferowane przez AMK KRAKÓW S.A odpowiadają najwyższym standardom jakości, a realizując kontrakty firma uwzględnia aspekty środowiskowe oraz przykłada dużą wagę do kwestii bezpieczeństwa pracy.

Firma kompleksowo realizuje projekty od koncepcji poprzez projektowanie, realizację aż do rozruchu włącznie z obsługą gwarancyjną i pogwarancyjną.